KrysDraws Terms of Service

(Updated as of 1/18/2024)
By commissioning me you agree to my Terms of Service (TOS) and will be held accountable. If you are confused on terminology or just want to ask a question please message me on discord or through email!

  • Note: Any design of mine, no matter how it is obtained, is subject to my TOS. This is for both the design TOS and Art TOS.

  • Note: You may not inforce another TOS on my designs besides my own! Expecially if the TOS in question would circumvent my own.

  • Note: Full credit defined by me is a link back to my socials, or including my username and the platforom it is on. (ie. Art is by KrysDraws on

General Art Terms of Service

Payment & Refunds

1. All prices are listed in USD. I take payments through Cashapp, PayPal, and DeviantArt Points.
-PayPal is required for any physical item purchase. This is to protect both the buyer and artist. PayPal payments are also required to be sent through goods and services for the same reason. (They may be sent friends and family if discussed with me or if you are a trusted/frequent commissioner.)
-Prices are semi-negotiable. However once an amount is agreed apon, they become non-negotiable. (exceptions can be made based on the buyers reputation with the artist.)
2. Commissions may only be paid after being agreed apon. Any payments made before approval will be considered donations.
3. Prices are based in part on the complexity of the commission. Character complexity, props, poses, and background are considered in this.
4. Payments are required AFTER the sketch is approved. This must be paid within 2 days of me sending the sketch. If payment is not recieved I reserve the right to cancel the commission. (There are exceptions to this based on the buyers reputation with the artist.)
-Failure to inform the artist of inability to pay will result in a warning or graylist.
5. Buyers may request extentions or held commission slots, but these will only be given to trusted individuals.
6. Refunds are NOT given unless I take more than 2 weeks to give you an update on your commission. In these cases only partial refunds are available unless I am the one to cancel.
-Partial refunds are negotiated on a case by case basis. My current completion status and initial price are factors that will be accounted for.
-Partial refunds are capped at 80% of your payment. The amount kept is compensation for time that has already been spent on the piece.

Process and Turn Around

1. When commissioning me, clear and precise references are preffered. If you have an idea in your head please communicate it with me!
2. My turn around time is typically between same day and 2 weeks, depending on the size, complexity, and number of commissions in my queue. Please keep in mind I am a full-time employee with prior commitments, and managing chronic physical and mental illness.
-You may contact me for updates about your commission at any time, however constant spamming will result in warnings.
-You may ask me for Work in Progress (WIP) images during this time period. I will provide them so long as I have started on the commission.
3. I reserve the right to refuse a commission for any reason. I do not have to give a reason or explain why.
4. If you cannot be reached within 1 week for sketch approval your commission may be dropped.
-You are responisible for informing me of any changes in contact whether that be because you have been banned from the platfrom, change in username, or long periods of inactivity.
5. Changes may be requested at any point during the sketch stage. You have an unlimited number of small changes during this stage and 1 major change. This is for the purpose of making sure I am correct in the piece and not missing any key details.
-Small changes after this stage may only be made up to 3 times and may result in additional fees. This excludes mistakes on my part.
6. I complete commissions in the order I recieve them. Please keep this in mind. You may request earlier completion but there will be a rush fee. If you have a deadline for recieving the piece please let me know. Depending on the deadline, there may or may not be a fee.
7. I may post WIPs in discord to show off, unless you specifiy it is not to be shown. I do reserve the right to post the finished piece on my own socials as an example of my work. (Unless you specify otherwise.)

Rights and Agreements

1. All artwork is held by my own copyright. You may not claim to have created the piece. You may not remove my watermark/signature. You or the OC creator retain all copyright for the character.
2. I reserve the right to refund a commission at any point. This will always be done with an explanation.
3. I may change my prices at any point. This will not effect commissions that have already been paid for, or that have already been agreed apon.
4. You may not alter my artwork in any way without my express permission. This includes removing or altering my watermark/signature. You can always request that I move it, if nessasary.
-Completed commissions may only be edited for personal user as icons, backgrounds, etc. by the commissioner. Full credit is required anywhere my art is posted, edited or otherwise.
5. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES is my art to be used for the purpose of AI/Image Generator training, Non-Fungible Token (NFT)s, or as cryptocurrency. This is an immediate blacklist offense.

Design and Custom Terms of Service


1. Please provide some form of inspiration or reference for the creation of your design. Acceptable referenses include; color palettes, moodboards, personality descriptions, or visual descriptions.
2. I will not blatently copy existing media or characters.
-This is only allowed in cases where you have recieved full permission from the original creator and you own the character.
3. Completed designs will be sent with a solid colored background (usually white), unless requested otherwise. I will include a color palette in this design.
4. All my Art TOS apply to designs as well.

Rights and Agreements

1. My artwork/designs may NEVER be given to individuals on my blacklist for ANY reason.
2. You may alter/redesign a character so long as it remains recognizable.
3. You may not sell my designs for more than you paid, unless additional value has been added.
-Owner created works are recognized for this purpose.
-Do not trade my designs unless the character is of equal or more value.
4. Customs and Adopts are non-refundable.
5. You may not resell my designs until a week has passed.
6. All my Art TOS apply to designs as well.

My Blacklist/Graylist



  • Moonlight Lavender/ Etc. : 05/01/2018

  • Mike Clark/etc: 04/26/2019

  • drachen_kaiser/ etc: 12/03/2023

  • Starfruit/Starfruit7/etc: 04/21/2024

People on my graylist are NOT blacklisted! These individuals have had small mishaps and as such I am more specific in the manner of how their commissions will be handled (ie. Must pay beforehand, no refunds, etc.).There are many reasons why someone might be blacklisted/graylisted. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Repeated failure to follow TOS, whether that is my own or someone else I know.

  • Extreme behavior that I am not comfortable being around.

  • Negative experience whether that be personal or professional.

  • Personal comfort level. If someone has a particualar behavior that makes me uncomfortable they may be put on one of these lists.

I will never blacklist a person for no reason, or without explanation. If you are on these lists please do not take it personally. I will try to communicate with you why you have been put on the list as when it happens, but in some cases this is not possible.If you are blacklisted and want an explanation please contact me privately. I do not accept contact through a third party/alternative person.